ZenBull Reserve

The ZenBull Reserve is utilized to support active liquidity pools and to facilitate regular distributions by sending profits to pool participants in proportion to their contributions.

ZenBull Reserve consists of an ecosystem reserve – ZBull token – as well as ZBull holders who receive profit from:

Staking: By staking ZBull tokens, holders earn a share of the network’s transaction fees and other revenue streams.

Special Events and Promotions: ZenBull regularly hosts events and promotions where ZBull holders participate and earn rewards.

Participation in Governance: Active ZBull holders have a say in the platform’s decision-making through decentralized governance and are incentivized for their participation.

Liquidity Provision: Liquidity providers are rewarded with a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform.

Affiliate Programs: Users who refer others to the platform can earn a percentage of their referral’s earnings, promoting network growth.

Last updated